Technologies Content

The extension of Digital Transformation at a macroeconomic scale alarms a new, Digital Transformation (DX) economy. Enterprises must facilitate DX through the practice of Platform Technologies to create value and competitive advantage through new offerings, new business models, and new relationships. In order to achieve these goals, businesses should focus on using 3rd Platform tools to transform their decision making and experience delivery. The rapid adoption of 3rd Platform technology means that organizations are actively looking at tools for delivering transformation. Aurora makes the journey a reality with our core competencies and focuses expertise on 3rd Platform Technologies.



BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is the business version of a grassroots movement. And, the data supports this trend. More often than not, this is the type of mobility that business leaders are talking about.

Aurora offers unparalleled coverage of complete stack of mobile technologies in the entire mobility value chain.

Our integrated, collaborative and responsive solution approach to mobility covers technology, Business verticals, and end-user analysis.


User Experience Managment

D4C (Design for Context) is one of the most demanding requests from clients in categories like Financial Services, Healthcare, Retail, Consumer Products, and Technology, across both enterprise and consumer.

Our expression of UX is totality a client’s enterprise strategy up-lifter that make an impact on how our clients do (want to do) business. From AI to IoT to Analytics to Blockchain to Cloud-based Applications, we help our customers in ways that go well beyond conventional marketing tools.

We offer design thinking based and technology-driven UX services in digital product innovation, and management, and digital transformation.






The Internet of Things is the fastest growing go-to-market strategies – a new IDC report has forecast that IoT spending will grow 17 percent in 2017, signifying that customers around the world are ready to shell out money for IoT applications.

Aurora helps our customers to

  • Use Internet of Things moves from improving operational performance to creating new revenue streams
  • Use augmented and virtual reality will transform after-market services
  • connecting assets with integrated intelligence enables higher levels of efficiency and reliability
  • Implementing Factory 4.0 concepts in the ground level



BIG Data/Analitics

As Big Data is maturing as a topic business and service models are emerging and Aurora can see the advantages Big Data as a Service. The BDaaS attack the segments with very different value propositions and continue to attract customers.

Aurora helps industries to harness the value stream to be competitive on a performance level though the commoditization and service level abstraction. We also facilitate the business demands from companies that decreasingly are willing to take on the complex challenges of building their own data architecture and increasingly want to focus on their value-adding domain-specific processes.




Cloud Computing

If you think cloud computing is a disruptive force within your enterprise, just want to understand what the cloud is doing in your business landscape to create new opportunities, Aurora is the right candidate to strategies your cloud journey through extended cloud offerings across the neat SaaS, PaaS and IaaS boundaries.

Our matured DESIGN FIRST solution approach will make sure your cloud journey is cost effective and create new opportunities while transforming your digital competition to the next level.